Thursday, June 5, 2008

{riley & meg..a sneak peek}

Today I had the pleasure of photographing my best friend Tina's girls. They did so great and I can't wait to get the rest of this session processed! I will have more of this session posted SOON! Enjoy Tina!


Anonymous said...

I'm so anxious to see the rest!!! :0) And for those of you reading this...Meghan is killing a bug in the 2nd pic! rotfl!!!

They turned out awesome Tara!!! Now LET'S SEE THE REST!!!! ;0)

Em said...

OHHHHH... SO cute...
can't wait to see the rest!

Anonymous said...

I love these. What did you do that first one? It looks great.

Anonymous said...

Hello, fellow ILP'er (and Michigander) here. Just wanted to stop by and say hi and beautiful, beautiful work!